About Us

Lignum Logistic. GROW WITH US!


Lignum  Logistic has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and means in all areas  of transport and logistics. Lignum Logistic offers complete solutions to  your transport  and logistics needs. From complex projects to home delivery and  everything in between, you can count on Lignum to offer the right  solution. We ensure your consignment reaches its destination as  expected, as we know your cargo can determine the fate of your  company. Regardless of your industry or the nature of your cargo, you  can trust Lignum.

With  a single phone call, we ensure your goods arrive safe and sound. In  other words, from A to Z! With over 25 years of experience, we ensure  your transport  arrives safely and timely. Whenever you should desire to know more,  feel free to visit our office. Of course, coffee will be waiting for  you!